Opportunities to Serve!

Do you want to serve God by serving the poor?  Here's where the rubber meets the road!   Our mission plan for 2018 is to focus on hosting medical outreaches.  However, we need more BEHIND-THE-SCENES MISSION STAFF to make it possible!! URGENT STAFF NEEDS: HOSPITALITY: Involves hosting, cleaning toilets, dusting furniture, making beds, making welcome cards, preparing … Sigue leyendo Opportunities to Serve!

Shifting Focus: Medical Brigades

By the grace of God, we have been able to keep the clinic in operation the past 1 1/2 years!  It has been challenging and stretching.  It has been a true learning experience on many different levels!  It's been hard and fun, frustrating and exhilarating, discouraging and fulfilling!  We have experienced highs and lows but … Sigue leyendo Shifting Focus: Medical Brigades